LEHS - Log- and Exception Handling System for ORACLE

Package pkg_lehs_system

This Package is for the maintanance of the Log-System


All logs will be taken for a Log-Application. This is the Top-Level Object of all loggings.
There exists 1 System Log-Application:

By defining a Log-Application you can manage the following Parameters of this Log-Application

Log Application

As described at the beginning of this Section this is the Top-Object of the Log-System. Every Parameters will refer to a Log-Application. A Log-Application will always be uppercased automatically at the Creation Time. Also the maximum Length of a Log Application are limited to 30 Characters.

There's just one Parameter you can set directly on a Log-Application

Logging DB-Users

Following the principle of the least Privilege (as recommended by Oracle) NO User can access a newly created Application.
By granting a Privilege to a User you can enable this User to access the Log-Application either to read only the Log-Entries made by the Appender PKG_LEHS_TABLE_APPENDER (PKG_LEHS_SYSTEM.grant_privs (pi_read_only => TRUE), this is the Default when granting a Privilege) or the User can also write Log-Messages to this Log-Application (PKG_LEHS_SYSTEM.grant_privs (pi_read_only => FALSE))

When you grant the Privilege to a Role, every User which has been granted this Role is able to use the Log-Application in the Way described above.
When you grant the Privilege to the User PUBLIC then all Users of the Database are able to use the Log-Application in the Way described above.

By Default, Users with the Role DBA or LEHS_ADMIN are able to see all Information of any Log-Application.

Grant Dependencies

The're exists a Role named A_ROLE, the User A_USER has been granted this Role. The Log-Application A_LOG_APPLICATION has Privileges for the User PUBLIC (read only), the Role A_ROLE (read/write) and the User A_USER (read only). If the User has at least one read/write Privilege on one of these Grants in the Chain, the User has the Ability to write to this Log-Application (also when the User itself has only read only Privileges to this Application because the Role A_ROLE, where the User has been granted to, has read/write Permissions).

Log Appenders

Without specifying Log-Appender, where Log-Messages will be written, no Log-Message will ever be visible to the Users. This is the Task for the Log-Appenders.

A Log-Appender is a Package with at least a Procedure called log with only one Parameter of Datatype PKG_LEHS_APPENDER.pr_log_line. This Procedure will be called by LEHS for every Log-Entry and every registered Log-Appender to the Log-Application.

The're existing 5 pre-programmed Log-Appenders you can register to every Log-Application
Package Destination
PKG_LEHS_ALERT_LOG_APPENDER Writes the Log-Message to the Alert-Log of the Database
PKG_LEHS_APP_INFO_APPENDER Writes Parts of a Log-Message to the View V$SESSION by the Package DBMS_APPLICATION
PKG_LEHS_DBMS_OUTPUT_APPENDER Writes the Log-Message to the Console by the Package DBMS_OUTPUT. Be aware of setting the Log-Buffer of this Package just before you start your Application (on SQL*Plus by calling SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE UNLIMITED).
PKG_LEHS_TABLE_APPENDER Writes the Log-Message to the Table LEHS_LOG_TABLE_BASIC which a User can query by the View LEHS_LOGS (in accordance to its Privileges of the Log-Application)
PKG_LEHS_TRACE_FILE_APPENDER Writes the Log-Message to the Trace-File of the actual Session

Log Appender Parameters

Various Log-Appenders need various Parameters. The Name of the Parameter is case sensitive as the Value the Value of the Parameter. Here is the List for the 5 pre-programmed Log-Appenders:
Package Name Parameter Datatype possible Values Description
PKG_LEHS_ALERT_LOG_APPENDER LOG_FORMAT CLOB   Format String (look at PKG_LEHS_APPENDER.format_log_message)
PKG_LEHS_APP_INFO_APPENDER MIN_LOG_LEVEL CLOB all available Log-Levels of the Log-Application the minimum Log-Level of the Log-Message. If a Log-Message has a Log-Level below this minimum Log-Level the Log-Message will not be logged by this Appender
APPLICATION The Name of the Log-Application
TOPIC the Topic of the Log-Message
TRANSACTION the Log-Transaction of the Log-Message
CALLER the Caller of the Log-Message (Format: Owner.Method[Line#])
MESSAGE the Log-Message itself
prints the given Part of the Log-Message (see possible Values) to the Field V$SESSION.action (truncated to 32 Characters)
APPLICATION The Name of the Log-Application
TOPIC the Topic of the Log-Message
TRANSACTION the Log-Transaction of the Log-Message
CALLER the Caller of the Log-Message (Format: Owner.Method[Line#])
MESSAGE the Log-Message itself
prints the given Part of the Log-Message (see possible Values) to the Field V$SESSION.module (truncated to 48 Characters)
APPLICATION The Name of the Log-Application
TOPIC the Topic of the Log-Message
TRANSACTION the Log-Transaction of the Log-Message
CALLER the Caller of the Log-Message (Format: Owner.Method[Line#])
MESSAGE the Log-Message itself
prints the given Part of the Log-Message (see possible Values) to the Field V$SESSION.client_info (truncated to 64 Characters)
PKG_LEHS_TABLE_APPENDER RETENTION_TIME NUMBER 0 - 99999 Retention Time (in Minutes) for the Log-Entries
TRUE Remove unused Transactions
FALSE Don't remove unused Transactions (Default)
Should unused Transactions be removed (regardless of the Retention Time) (Default: FALSE).
TRUE Remove Logs whose Transaction is already opened
FALSE Don't remove Logs whose Transaction is open (Default)
Should Log-Entries with open Transactions be removed by the Cleanup-Procedure (Default: FALSE)

Log Levels

When requesting a Log-Entry by a PL/SQL-Application, this PL/SQL-Application must tell, to which Log-Level this Log-Entry should be logged.
These Log-Levels can be defined freely to every Log-Application. You can decide if the Log-Application has Log-Levels from '01' to '99' (remember: Log-Levels are always alphanumeric, therefor the Log-Levels are quoted) or if you define Log-Levels like 'John', 'Rambo', 'Sylvester' and 'Stallone'. The fact is, the Developer should have a Knowledge of the Log-Levels defined to this Log-Application because he/she must provide this Log-Level by every Log-Entry he/she makes within his/her PL/SQL-Application.

The following Log-Levels are a good starting Point

  1. FATAL
  2. ERROR
  3. WARN
  4. INFO
  5. DEBUG
  6. TRACE

Programmable Log-Levels

Because to know, which Log-Levels an Log-Application has is not really useful for a 08/15 Developer. Therefor there are 6 Log-Levels which can be used programatically much easier than knowing the real Log-Levels of an Application.
There existing 6 programmable Log-Levels with the programmable Interfaces.
Within an PL/SQL-Application it is much easier to just call: PKG_LEHS.info ('This is an Information Line'); than calling PKG_LEHS.log (pc_info_log_level, 'This is an Information Line').
On the other Hand the Log-Administrator has the ability to change the programmable Log-Levels dynamically to any existing Log-Levels of the Log-Application.

When you use the standard Log-Levels as described above then the Assignment amounts to a 1:1 Mapping.

Log Topics

Just imagine the following Situation: You must write a Documentation about this Log-System. As you can see, when you write the Documentation without any formatting Rules you can do nothing with this Documentation.
One of these formatting Rules is to put some Descriptions within Topics. You can do this also with Log-Entries.

For these Purpose the Log-Topics are stored within a hierarchical Structure with a discrete horizontal Sorting. Just like the following Structure:

 Chapter 1
   Chapter 1.1
     Chapter 1.1.1
     Chapter 1.1.2
   Chapter 1.2
     Chapter 1.2.1
 Chapter 2
   Chapter 2.1
   Chapter 2.2
     Chapter 2.2.1
     Chapter 2.2.2
     Chapter 2.2.3
   Chapter 2.3
 Chapter 3

Just for the Log-Adminstrator: Slow down. The PL/SQL-Application justifies its own Topics with the Log-Application. In normal Case the Log-Adminstrator has not to intervene manually.

Log Transactions

Log-Transactions can be used to separate the Calls of an Application.
Image the following Situation: Procedure A has been started by User X. This call takes about 10 Minutes. 5 Minutes after User X has started User Y also starts the Procedure A. Therefor 2 Instances of the Procedure A runs and they both produces a lot of Log-Message into USER_LEHS_LOGS.
Now the Question: How can you find out, what the first Call of Procedure A has been written and what the second? The Answer: Every Instance of the called Procedure generates a Log-Transaction, which will be constant during the Call. Just before the Procedure ends this Transaction will be closed by the called Procedure. Also, when the Procedure ends due to an Exception.

Subroutines can also create their own Log-Transaction. But when the Scope return to the calling Procedure, you have to join to the old Log-Transaction. Otherwise the following Log-Lines will be logged to the Log-Transaction of the called Subroutine.

By using a Log-Transaction there is just another Advantage. You can set Keywords to a Log-Transactions, which can be queried by the View USER_LEHS_TRANSACTIONS. Why do this? Let me show by a simple Example:
Same Procedure A as above. But this Procedure has 1 Parameter pi_something. User X calls this Procedure with "X" as the Value of the Parameter pi_something. User Y calls this Procedure with "Y" as the Value of the Parameter pi_something.
The Question: When was the last Call of Procedure A with "X" as the Value of Parameter pi_something. This can simple be done if you set the Parameter pi_something as a Keyword to the Log-Transaction.

Attention: The Value of the Keys will be translated during the Query of USER_LEHS_TRANSACTIONS. Means, if you add a Date Key, the Date-Value will be stored and will be automatically converted during the Query of the View USER_LEHS_TRANSACTIONS by with the help of the Session-Parameters NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS, NLS_DATE_FORMAT and NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.

Exception Messages

Just to destroy an Imagination: The're doesn't exist any Application which works without raising any Exception. For this case Oracle provides User-defined Exceptions with Error Numbers from ORA-20999 to ORA-20000 (means that a PL/SQL-Application can raise 1000 different Exceptions).

This Methodology has some Drawbacks:

  1. Internationalization of Exception Messages
    An PL/SQL-Application does normally not care about internationlized Exception Messages. The PL/SQL-Application raises an Exception with a Message defined by the coding guidelines of the Development Departement.
  2. Confusion at Debug-Time
    When a PL/SQL-Application uses only one Error-Code (i.E. ORA-20000) for all business log Errors then it would rather be complex when there was an Error and you don't know exactly, where this Exception has been thrown.
  3. No Reuse of Exception Messages
    When checking any Parameters against a NULL Value this code looks like this:
       IF pi_param1 IS NULL THEN
         RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20001, 'Parameter PI_PARAM1 is NULL');
       END IF;
       IF pi_param2 IS NULL THEN
         RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20001, 'Hero: Parameter PI_PARAM2 is null');
       END IF;
    By the Reuse of an Exception Message the Exception Message will be enriched by Placeholder Values (max. 9 from %1 to %9). Within these Placeholder Values the Application can set the correct Value during the Runtime. The Code will be the following
       IF pi_param1 IS NULL THEN
         PKG_LEHS.handle_exception ('MISSING PARAMETER', PKG_LEHS.pt_error_arguments('pi_param1'));
       END IF;
       IF pi_param2 IS NULL THEN
         PKG_LEHS.handle_exception ('MISSING PARAMETER', PKG_LEHS.pt_error_arguments('pi_param2'));
       END IF;
    The Exception Message will always have the same Structure but the first substitution Value (%1) will be substituted by the first Parameter of the Parameter List (i.E. pi_param1 or pi_param2)
  4. doubled Logging of the Exception Messages
    Unlike the unnamed Exceptions named Exceptions are logged only one time in the Block where the named Exception has been raised.
    Because a named Exception describes a valid Exception Situation (i.e. a NO_DATA_FOUND Exception has been catched and instead a named Exception will be raised) an Error-Stack Trace in the Log is not neccessary. Indeed when a named Exception will be covered like an unnamed Exception the Log is much complexer to be read.

The Methodology of named Exceptions benefits all of these Drawbacks by defining the Exception Messages within a Table. Every Message is identified by a unique Error Name (instead of meaningless Error Codes) and the NLS-Language of this Error Name (when omitted then AMERICAN is the Default).
Every Exception Message will be defined by the PL/SQL-Application itself and would be synchronized with the Log-System. (similar to the Log-Topics).

Every Exception Message can be parametrized (max. 9 Parameters). These Placeholders are numerically from %1 to %9. At Runtime these Placeholders will be replaced by real Values the PL/SQL-Application sets.

That Oracle can raise the Exception it is neccessary to have an Error Code from ORA-20999 to ORA-20000 that will also be delivered at registering the Exception.

Field Summary
           Default Retention Time for a Log Application: 0 (infinite Retention Time)
           global Constant for a decoded Boolean FALSE
           programmable Log-Level: DEBUG
           programmable Log-Level: ERROR
           programmable Log-Level: FATAL
           programmable Log-Level: INFO
           programmable Log-Level: TRACE
           programmable Log-Level: WARN
           Owner of the Log-System
           Name of the Package
           Topic for Log Exceptions
           Topic for Log Appender
           Topic for Log Topics
           global Constant for a decoded Boolean TRUE
           Version of LEHS

Type Summary
 TABLE OF CLOB INDEX BY nullpt_clob()
           List of CLOB

Method Summary
 activate_application(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
           Activates a Log-Application for Logging.
 add_application(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_show_in_exception BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE)
           Create a new Log-Application
 add_log_level(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_log_level VARCHAR2, pi_log_level_predecessor VARCHAR2)
           Adds a new Log-Level to the Application
 add_log_level(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_log_level VARCHAR2, pi_position BINARY_INTEGER DEFAULT NULL)
           Adds a new Log-Level to the Application
 add_message(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_error_name PKG_LEHS.pst_error_name, pi_error_code BINARY_INTEGER, pi_message CLOB, pi_show_error_stack BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, pi_nls_language VARCHAR2 DEFAULT PKG_LEHS.pc_default_language, pi_log_exception BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE)
           Add a new Exception Message.
 add_topic(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_topic VARCHAR2, pi_topic_parent VARCHAR2, pi_topic_predecessor VARCHAR2, pi_use_parent_of_pred BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, pi_log_exception BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE)
           Add a new Topic
 add_topic(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_topic VARCHAR2, pi_topic_parent VARCHAR2, pi_position BINARY_INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, pi_log_exception BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE)
           Add a new Topic
 change_application(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_show_in_exception BOOLEAN, pi_exception_log_level VARCHAR2)
           Changes an existing Log-Application.
 change_max_log_level(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_appender_name VARCHAR2, pi_max_log_level VARCHAR2)
           Change the maximum Log-Level of an Log-Appender
 change_message(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_error_name PKG_LEHS.pst_error_name, pi_error_code BINARY_INTEGER, pi_message CLOB, pi_show_error_stack BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, pi_nls_language VARCHAR2 DEFAULT PKG_LEHS.pc_default_language)
           Changes the Exception Message to an Error Name.
 deactivate_application(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
           Deactivates a Log-Application for Logging.
 BOOLEANdecode_boolean(pi_encoded_boolean CHAR)
           Translates a Character to a Boolean
 deregister_appender(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_appender_name VARCHAR2)
           Deregister an Appender from a Log-Application

 CHARencode_boolean(pi_decoded_boolean BOOLEAN)
           Translates a Boolean to a Character (which can be stored within a Table).
 BOOLEANexists_appender(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_appender_name VARCHAR2)
           Does there exist the Appender to the Log-Application?
 BOOLEANexists_application(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
           Checks for the Existance of a Log-Application
 BOOLEANexists_log_level(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_log_level VARCHAR2)
           Checks for the Existance of a Log-Level to an existing Log-Application
 BOOLEANexists_message(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_error_name PKG_LEHS.pst_error_name, pi_nls_language VARCHAR2 DEFAULT PKG_LEHS.pc_default_language)
           Does there exist an Exception Message to the given Error Name?
 BOOLEANexists_topic(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_topic VARCHAR2)
           Does the given Topic exist within the given Application
 pt_clobget_metadata(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_topics VARCHAR2 DEFAULT pc_false, pi_exceptions VARCHAR2 DEFAULT pc_false)
           Get the Metadata of the given Log-Application.
           Returns the Version of LEHS
 grant_privs(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_grantee VARCHAR2, pi_read_only BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE)
           Grants the Privilege to use the Log-Application to a DB-User or DB-Role.
 move_log_level(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_log_level VARCHAR2, pi_log_level_predecessor VARCHAR2)
           Moves the Position of a Log-Level.
 move_log_level(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_log_level VARCHAR2, pi_position BINARY_INTEGER DEFAULT NULL)
           Moves the Position of a Log-Level.
 move_topic(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_topic VARCHAR2, pi_topic_parent VARCHAR2, pi_topic_predecessor VARCHAR2, pi_use_parent_of_pred BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE)
           Move an existing Topic to another Position
 move_topic(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_topic VARCHAR2, pi_topic_parent VARCHAR2, pi_position BINARY_INTEGER DEFAULT NULL)
           Move an existing Topic to another Position
 register_appender(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_appender_name VARCHAR2, pi_max_log_level VARCHAR2, pi_package_owner VARCHAR2, pi_package_name VARCHAR2)
           Register an Appender to a Log-Application.
 remove_application(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
           Removes a Log-Application.
 remove_log_level(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_log_level VARCHAR2)
           Removes a Log-Level from an Application
 remove_message(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_error_name PKG_LEHS.pst_error_name, pi_nls_language VARCHAR2 DEFAULT PKG_LEHS.pc_default_language)
           Removes an Exception Message by an Error Name
 remove_message(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_error_code BINARY_INTEGER, pi_nls_language VARCHAR2 DEFAULT PKG_LEHS.pc_default_language)
           Removes an Exception Message by an Error Code
 remove_topic(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_topic VARCHAR2)
           Remove an existing Topic from a Log-Application
 revoke_privs(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_grantee VARCHAR2)
           Revokes the Privileges to use the Log-Application from a DB-User or DB-Role
 set_appender_parameter(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_appender_name VARCHAR2, pi_parameter_name VARCHAR2, pi_parameter_value VARCHAR2)
           Sets an Appender Parameter.
 set_appender_parameter(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_appender_name VARCHAR2, pi_parameter_name VARCHAR2, pi_parameter_value CLOB)
           Sets an Appender Parameter.
 set_appender_parameter(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_appender_name VARCHAR2, pi_parameter_name VARCHAR2, pi_parameter_value NUMBER)
           Sets an Appender Parameter.
 set_appender_parameter(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_appender_name VARCHAR2, pi_parameter_name VARCHAR2, pi_parameter_value DATE)
           Sets an Appender Parameter.
 set_appender_parameter(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_appender_name VARCHAR2, pi_parameter_name VARCHAR2, pi_parameter_value TIMESTAMP_UNCONSTRAINED)
           Sets an Appender Parameter.
 set_appender_parameter(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_appender_name VARCHAR2, pi_parameter_name VARCHAR2, pi_parameter_value DSINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED)
           Sets an Appender Parameter.
 set_appender_parameter(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_appender_name VARCHAR2, pi_parameter_name VARCHAR2, pi_parameter_value YMINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED)
           Sets an Appender Parameter.
 set_log_level_debug(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_log_level VARCHAR2)
           Sets the programmable Log-Level DEBUG
 set_log_level_error(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_log_level VARCHAR2)
           Sets the programmable Log-Level ERROR
 set_log_level_fatal(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_log_level VARCHAR2)
           Sets the programmable Log-Level FATAL
 set_log_level_info(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_log_level VARCHAR2)
           Sets the programmable Log-Level INFO
 set_log_level_trace(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_log_level VARCHAR2)
           Sets the programmable Log-Level TRACE
 set_log_level_warn(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_log_level VARCHAR2)
           Sets the programmable Log-Level WARN
 unset_appender_parameter(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, pi_appender_name VARCHAR2, pi_parameter_name VARCHAR2)
           Remove an Appender Parameter.
 unset_log_level_debug(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
           Removes the programmable Log-Level DEBUG
 unset_log_level_error(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
           Removes the programmable Log-Level ERROR
 unset_log_level_fatal(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
           Removes the programmable Log-Level FATAL
 unset_log_level_info(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
           Removes the programmable Log-Level INFO
 unset_log_level_trace(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
           Removes the programmable Log-Level TRACE
 unset_log_level_warn(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
           Removes the programmable Log-Level WARN

Field Detail


  public VARCHAR2(30) pc_owner
Owner of the Log-System


  public VARCHAR2(30) pc_version
Version of LEHS


  public PKG_LEHS.pst_log_topic pc_topic_log_appender
Topic for Log Appender


  public PKG_LEHS.pst_log_topic pc_topic_log_topic
Topic for Log Topics


  public PKG_LEHS.pst_log_topic pc_topic_exception
Topic for Log Exceptions


  public VARCHAR2(30) pc_packname
Name of the Package


  public CHAR(1) pc_true
global Constant for a decoded Boolean TRUE


  public CHAR(1) pc_false
global Constant for a decoded Boolean FALSE


  public LEHS_LOG_LEVELS_PROGRAMMABLE.programmable_log_level%TYPE pc_log_level_fatal
programmable Log-Level: FATAL


  public LEHS_LOG_LEVELS_PROGRAMMABLE.programmable_log_level%TYPE pc_log_level_error
programmable Log-Level: ERROR


  public LEHS_LOG_LEVELS_PROGRAMMABLE.programmable_log_level%TYPE pc_log_level_warn
programmable Log-Level: WARN


  public LEHS_LOG_LEVELS_PROGRAMMABLE.programmable_log_level%TYPE pc_log_level_info
programmable Log-Level: INFO


  public LEHS_LOG_LEVELS_PROGRAMMABLE.programmable_log_level%TYPE pc_log_level_debug
programmable Log-Level: DEBUG


  public LEHS_LOG_LEVELS_PROGRAMMABLE.programmable_log_level%TYPE pc_log_level_trace
programmable Log-Level: TRACE


  public BINARY_INTEGER pc_default_trx_retention_time
Default Retention Time for a Log Application: 0 (infinite Retention Time)

Type Detail


  public TABLE OF CLOB INDEX BY null pt_clob()
List of CLOB

Method Detail


  public CHAR encode_boolean(pi_decoded_boolean BOOLEAN)
Translates a Boolean to a Character (which can be stored within a Table).
pi_decoded_boolean - Boolean Value
  1. TRUE will be Y
  2. FALSE will be N
  3. NULL will be translated to NULL


  public BOOLEAN decode_boolean(pi_encoded_boolean CHAR)
Translates a Character to a Boolean
  1. Y will be translated to TRUE
  2. N will be translated to FALSE
  3. NULL will be translated to NULL
  4. all other Characters will be translated to FALSE


  public  add_application(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_show_in_exception BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE)
Create a new Log-Application
pi_application - Name of the new Application
pi_show_in_exception - Should the Name of the Application be shown in the Exception Message
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20011 - [APPLICATION ALREADY EXISTS] Application already exists


  public BOOLEAN exists_application(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
Checks for the Existance of a Log-Application
pi_application - Application Name to be checked
  • TRUE ... Application exists
  • FALSE ... Application doesn't exist


  public  change_application(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_show_in_exception BOOLEAN,
pi_exception_log_level VARCHAR2)
Changes an existing Log-Application.
pi_application - Name of the existing Application
pi_show_in_exception - Should the Name of the Application be shown in the Exception Message
pi_exception_log_level - Log-Level of the thrown and logged Exceptions
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20012 - [LOG LEVEL NOT EXISTS] Log-Level doesn't exist


  public  deactivate_application(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
Deactivates a Log-Application for Logging.
pi_application - Name of the existing Application
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist


  public  activate_application(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
Activates a Log-Application for Logging.
pi_application - Name of the existing Application
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist


  public  remove_application(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
Removes a Log-Application.

Be careful: By removing the Log-Application all Information (except the written Log-Entries to this Application by the Table Appender Package PKG_LEHS_TABLE_APPENDER) will be removed!

pi_application - Log-Application to be removed
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist


  public  register_appender(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_appender_name VARCHAR2,
pi_max_log_level VARCHAR2,
pi_package_owner VARCHAR2,
pi_package_name VARCHAR2)
Register an Appender to a Log-Application.

By registering an Appender-Package every Log-Entry with a Log-Level below or equal to the maximum Log-Level of the Appender will be logged by the Logger-Procedure of this Appender.

pi_application - Log-Application the Appender should be registered to
pi_appender_name - Unique Name of the Appender (unique to each Log-Application)
pi_max_log_level - maximum Log-Level of the Log-Entries for this Appender
pi_package_owner - Owner of the Appender Package
pi_package_name - Name of the Appender Package
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20004 - [APPENDER REGISTER ERROR] Error while calling the Register Procedure of the Appender-Package
ORA-20010 - [NO LOGGER METHOD FOR APPENDER] the Appender-Package doesn't have a Logger-Procedure
ORA-20012 - [LOG LEVEL NOT EXISTS] the given maximum Log-Level doesn't exist
ORA-20013 - [INSUFFICIENT PRIVILEGES ON APPENDER PACKAGE] Insufficient Privileges on Appender-Package or Package doesn't exist
ORA-20015 - [APPENDER ALREADY EXISTS] The given Appender-Name already exists to this Log-Application
ORA-20015 - [APPENDER PACKAGE ALREADY REGISTERED] The Appender-Package has already been registered to this Log-Application


  public  deregister_appender(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_appender_name VARCHAR2)
Deregister an Appender from a Log-Application

pi_application - Log-Application the Appender should be deregistered from
pi_appender_name - Name of the Log-Appender which should be deregistered
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20014 - [APPENDER NOT EXISTS] Appender doesn't exist


  public BOOLEAN exists_appender(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_appender_name VARCHAR2)
Does there exist the Appender to the Log-Application?
pi_application - Log-Application
pi_appender_name - Name of the Log-Appender
  • TRUE ... Log-Appender exists
  • FALSE ... Log-Appender doesn&apot;t exist


  public  change_max_log_level(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_appender_name VARCHAR2,
pi_max_log_level VARCHAR2)
Change the maximum Log-Level of an Log-Appender
pi_application - Log-Application
pi_appender_name - Name of the Log-Appender
pi_max_log_level - maximum Log-Level of the Log-Entries for this Appender
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20014 - [APPENDER NOT EXISTS] Appender doesn't exist
ORA-20012 - [LOG LEVEL NOT EXISTS] the given maximum Log-Level doesn't exist


  public  set_appender_parameter(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_appender_name VARCHAR2,
pi_parameter_name VARCHAR2,
pi_parameter_value VARCHAR2)
Sets an Appender Parameter.

The Name and the Value of the Parameter will be checked by a optional Checker-Procedure of the Appender Package.

pi_application - Log-Application
pi_appender_name - Name of the Appender
pi_parameter_name - Name of the Parameter
pi_parameter_value - Value of the Parameter
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20009 - [INVALID APPENDER PARAMETER NAME] Invalid Parameter Name
ORA-20009 - [FAILED ASSERTION FOR APPENDER PARAMETER WITHOUT REASON] Invalid Value without any specific Reason
ORA-20009 - [FAILED ASSERTION FOR APPENDER PARAMETER WITH REASON] Invalid Value with a specific Reason
ORA-20014 - [APPENDER NOT EXISTS] Appender doesn't exist
ORA-20??? - [] Any Exception raised by the Checker-Method of the Appender-Package which is not explicitly caught by a LEHS-Exception.


  public  set_appender_parameter(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_appender_name VARCHAR2,
pi_parameter_name VARCHAR2,
pi_parameter_value CLOB)
Sets an Appender Parameter.

The Name and the Value of the Parameter will be checked by a optional Checker-Procedure of the Appender Package.

pi_application - Log-Application
pi_appender_name - Name of the Appender
pi_parameter_name - Name of the Parameter
pi_parameter_value - Value of the Parameter
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20009 - [INVALID APPENDER PARAMETER NAME] Invalid Parameter Name
ORA-20009 - [FAILED ASSERTION FOR APPENDER PARAMETER WITHOUT REASON] Invalid Value without any specific Reason
ORA-20009 - [FAILED ASSERTION FOR APPENDER PARAMETER WITH REASON] Invalid Value with a specific Reason
ORA-20014 - [APPENDER NOT EXISTS] Appender doesn't exist
ORA-20??? - [] Any Exception raised by the Checker-Method of the Appender-Package which is not explicitly caught by a LEHS-Exception.


  public  set_appender_parameter(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_appender_name VARCHAR2,
pi_parameter_name VARCHAR2,
pi_parameter_value NUMBER)
Sets an Appender Parameter.

The Name and the Value of the Parameter will be checked by a optional Checker-Procedure of the Appender Package.

pi_application - Log-Application
pi_appender_name - Name of the Appender
pi_parameter_name - Name of the Parameter
pi_parameter_value - Value of the Parameter
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20009 - [INVALID APPENDER PARAMETER NAME] Invalid Parameter Name
ORA-20009 - [FAILED ASSERTION FOR APPENDER PARAMETER WITHOUT REASON] Invalid Value without any specific Reason
ORA-20009 - [FAILED ASSERTION FOR APPENDER PARAMETER WITH REASON] Invalid Value with a specific Reason
ORA-20014 - [APPENDER NOT EXISTS] Appender doesn't exist
ORA-20??? - [] Any Exception raised by the Checker-Method of the Appender-Package which is not explicitly caught by a LEHS-Exception.


  public  set_appender_parameter(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_appender_name VARCHAR2,
pi_parameter_name VARCHAR2,
pi_parameter_value DATE)
Sets an Appender Parameter.

The Name and the Value of the Parameter will be checked by a optional Checker-Procedure of the Appender Package.

pi_application - Log-Application
pi_appender_name - Name of the Appender
pi_parameter_name - Name of the Parameter
pi_parameter_value - Value of the Parameter
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20009 - [INVALID APPENDER PARAMETER NAME] Invalid Parameter Name
ORA-20009 - [FAILED ASSERTION FOR APPENDER PARAMETER WITHOUT REASON] Invalid Value without any specific Reason
ORA-20009 - [FAILED ASSERTION FOR APPENDER PARAMETER WITH REASON] Invalid Value with a specific Reason
ORA-20014 - [APPENDER NOT EXISTS] Appender doesn't exist
ORA-20??? - [] Any Exception raised by the Checker-Method of the Appender-Package which is not explicitly caught by a LEHS-Exception.


  public  set_appender_parameter(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_appender_name VARCHAR2,
pi_parameter_name VARCHAR2,
Sets an Appender Parameter.

The Name and the Value of the Parameter will be checked by a optional Checker-Procedure of the Appender Package.

pi_application - Log-Application
pi_appender_name - Name of the Appender
pi_parameter_name - Name of the Parameter
pi_parameter_value - Value of the Parameter
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20009 - [INVALID APPENDER PARAMETER NAME] Invalid Parameter Name
ORA-20009 - [FAILED ASSERTION FOR APPENDER PARAMETER WITHOUT REASON] Invalid Value without any specific Reason
ORA-20009 - [FAILED ASSERTION FOR APPENDER PARAMETER WITH REASON] Invalid Value with a specific Reason
ORA-20014 - [APPENDER NOT EXISTS] Appender doesn't exist
ORA-20??? - [] Any Exception raised by the Checker-Method of the Appender-Package which is not explicitly caught by a LEHS-Exception.


  public  set_appender_parameter(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_appender_name VARCHAR2,
pi_parameter_name VARCHAR2,
Sets an Appender Parameter.

The Name and the Value of the Parameter will be checked by a optional Checker-Procedure of the Appender Package.

pi_application - Log-Application
pi_appender_name - Name of the Appender
pi_parameter_name - Name of the Parameter
pi_parameter_value - Value of the Parameter
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20009 - [INVALID APPENDER PARAMETER NAME] Invalid Parameter Name
ORA-20009 - [FAILED ASSERTION FOR APPENDER PARAMETER WITHOUT REASON] Invalid Value without any specific Reason
ORA-20009 - [FAILED ASSERTION FOR APPENDER PARAMETER WITH REASON] Invalid Value with a specific Reason
ORA-20014 - [APPENDER NOT EXISTS] Appender doesn't exist
ORA-20??? - [] Any Exception raised by the Checker-Method of the Appender-Package which is not explicitly caught by a LEHS-Exception.


  public  set_appender_parameter(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_appender_name VARCHAR2,
pi_parameter_name VARCHAR2,
Sets an Appender Parameter.

The Name and the Value of the Parameter will be checked by a optional Checker-Procedure of the Appender Package.

pi_application - Log-Application
pi_appender_name - Name of the Appender
pi_parameter_name - Name of the Parameter
pi_parameter_value - Value of the Parameter
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20009 - [INVALID APPENDER PARAMETER NAME] Invalid Parameter Name
ORA-20009 - [FAILED ASSERTION FOR APPENDER PARAMETER WITHOUT REASON] Invalid Value without any specific Reason
ORA-20009 - [FAILED ASSERTION FOR APPENDER PARAMETER WITH REASON] Invalid Value with a specific Reason
ORA-20014 - [APPENDER NOT EXISTS] Appender doesn't exist
ORA-20??? - [] Any Exception raised by the Checker-Method of the Appender-Package which is not explicitly caught by a LEHS-Exception.


  public  unset_appender_parameter(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_appender_name VARCHAR2,
pi_parameter_name VARCHAR2)
Remove an Appender Parameter.
pi_application - Log-Application
pi_appender_name - Name of the Appender where the Parameter should be remove from
pi_parameter_name - Name of the Parameter to be removed
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter


  public  grant_privs(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_grantee VARCHAR2,
Grants the Privilege to use the Log-Application to a DB-User or DB-Role.

If a Log-Application has no Users or Roles registered to it then this Log-Application can be used by Nobody, following the Principle of the least Privilege.

When there are Users or Roles registered to this Log-Application then only these registered Users or the Users granted to the registered Roles are allowed to do any logging to this Log-Application

pi_application - Name of the existing Application
pi_grantee - User or Role to whom the Application should be limited
pi_read_only - Should the Grantee be privileged to only read the created Log-Entries or also to use the API to write Log-Entries
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20021 - [GRANTEE ALREADY REGISTERED] The User or Role is already registered to the given Log-Application


  public  revoke_privs(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_grantee VARCHAR2)
Revokes the Privileges to use the Log-Application from a DB-User or DB-Role
pi_application - Name of the existing Application
pi_grantee - User or Role to whom the Application should be limited
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20021 - [GRANTEE NOT REGISTERED] The User or Role is not registered to the given Log-Application


  public  add_log_level(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_log_level VARCHAR2,
pi_log_level_predecessor VARCHAR2)
Adds a new Log-Level to the Application
pi_application - Name of the existing Application
pi_log_level - new Log-Level
pi_log_level_predecessor - Name of the existing predecessing Log-Level
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20012 - [LOG LEVEL NOT EXISTS] the given Log-Level Predecessor doesn't exist to the given Log-Application
ORA-20017 - [LOG LEVEL ALREADY EXISTS] the given Log-Level already exists within the given Log-Application


  public  add_log_level(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_log_level VARCHAR2,
Adds a new Log-Level to the Application
pi_application - Name of the existing Application
pi_log_level - new Log-Level
pi_position - Position of the new Log-Level
  • NULL
    Log-Level will be sorted after the last Position
  • <= 1
    Log-Level will be sorted at the first Position
  • > 1
    Log-Level will be sorted at the given Position
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20017 - [LOG LEVEL ALREADY EXISTS] the given Log-Level already exists within the given Log-Application


  public BOOLEAN exists_log_level(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_log_level VARCHAR2)
Checks for the Existance of a Log-Level to an existing Log-Application
pi_application - Application Name to be checked
pi_log_level - Log-Level of the Application to be checked
  • TRUE ... Log-Level exists to the Log-Application
  • FALSE ... Log-Level doesn't exist to the Log-Application


  public  move_log_level(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_log_level VARCHAR2,
pi_log_level_predecessor VARCHAR2)
Moves the Position of a Log-Level.
pi_application - Name of the existing Application
pi_log_level - existing Log-Level
pi_log_level_predecessor - Name of the existing predecessing Log-Level
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20012 - [LOG LEVEL NOT EXISTS] the given Log-Level or the Log-Level Predecessor doesn't exist to the given Log-Application


  public  move_log_level(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_log_level VARCHAR2,
Moves the Position of a Log-Level.
pi_application - Name of the existing Application
pi_log_level - existing Log-Level
pi_position - Position of the new Log-Level
  • NULL
    Log-Level will be sorted after the last Position
  • <= 1
    Log-Level will be sorted at the first Position
  • > 1
    Log-Level will be sorted at the given Position
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20012 - [LOG LEVEL NOT EXISTS] the given Log-Level doesn't exist to the given Log-Application


  public  remove_log_level(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_log_level VARCHAR2)
Removes a Log-Level from an Application
pi_application - Name of the existing Application
pi_log_level - existing Log-Level to be removed
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20012 - [LOG LEVEL NOT EXISTS] the given Log-Level doesn't exist to the given Log-Application
ORA-20019 - [LOG LEVEL HAS ASSIGNED PROGRAMMABLE LOG LEVEL] The Log-Level has an assigned programmable Log-Level
ORA-20031 - [LOG LEVEL ASSIGNED TO MAX LOG LEVEL] The Log-Level which should be removed is assigned to the maximum Log-Level of the Application
ORA-20031 - [LOG LEVEL ASSIGNED TO EXCEPTION LOG LEVEL] The Log-Level which should be removed is assigned to the Exception Log-Level of the Application


  public  set_log_level_fatal(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_log_level VARCHAR2)
Sets the programmable Log-Level FATAL
pi_application - existing Application
pi_log_level - existing Log-Level to which the programmable Log-Level should be set
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20012 - [LOG LEVEL NOT EXISTS] the given Log-Level doesn't exist to the given Log-Application


  public  unset_log_level_fatal(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
Removes the programmable Log-Level FATAL
pi_application - existing Application
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist


  public  set_log_level_error(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_log_level VARCHAR2)
Sets the programmable Log-Level ERROR
pi_application - existing Application
pi_log_level - existing Log-Level to which the programmable Log-Level should be set
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20012 - [LOG LEVEL NOT EXISTS] the given Log-Level doesn't exist to the given Log-Application


  public  unset_log_level_error(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
Removes the programmable Log-Level ERROR
pi_application - existing Application
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist


  public  set_log_level_warn(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_log_level VARCHAR2)
Sets the programmable Log-Level WARN
pi_application - existing Application
pi_log_level - existing Log-Level to which the programmable Log-Level should be set
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20012 - [LOG LEVEL NOT EXISTS] the given Log-Level doesn't exist to the given Log-Application


  public  unset_log_level_warn(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
Removes the programmable Log-Level WARN
pi_application - existing Application
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist


  public  set_log_level_info(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_log_level VARCHAR2)
Sets the programmable Log-Level INFO
pi_application - existing Application
pi_log_level - existing Log-Level to which the programmable Log-Level should be set
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20012 - [LOG LEVEL NOT EXISTS] the given Log-Level doesn't exist to the given Log-Application


  public  unset_log_level_info(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
Removes the programmable Log-Level INFO
pi_application - existing Application
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist


  public  set_log_level_debug(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_log_level VARCHAR2)
Sets the programmable Log-Level DEBUG
pi_application - existing Application
pi_log_level - existing Log-Level to which the programmable Log-Level should be set
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20012 - [LOG LEVEL NOT EXISTS] the given Log-Level doesn't exist to the given Log-Application


  public  unset_log_level_debug(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
Removes the programmable Log-Level DEBUG
pi_application - existing Application
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist


  public  set_log_level_trace(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_log_level VARCHAR2)
Sets the programmable Log-Level TRACE
pi_application - existing Application
pi_log_level - existing Log-Level to which the programmable Log-Level should be set
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20012 - [LOG LEVEL NOT EXISTS] the given Log-Level doesn't exist to the given Log-Application


  public  unset_log_level_trace(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name)
Removes the programmable Log-Level TRACE
pi_application - existing Application
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist


  public BOOLEAN exists_topic(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_topic VARCHAR2)
Does the given Topic exist within the given Application
pi_topic - Topic to be checked
  • TRUE ... Topic exists
  • FALSE ... Topic doesn't exist


  public  add_topic(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_topic VARCHAR2,
pi_topic_parent VARCHAR2,
pi_topic_predecessor VARCHAR2,
pi_use_parent_of_pred BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
pi_log_exception BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE)
Add a new Topic
pi_application - Name of the existing Application
pi_topic - Name of the new Topic
pi_topic_parent - Parent of the Topic (NULL means Top-Topic)
pi_topic_predecessor - Predecessor of the new Topic within the same Level as the given Parent Topic
pi_use_parent_of_pred - When the Parent of the Predecessor isn't the same as the given Parent then use the Parent of the Predecessor (TRUE) or raise an Exception (FALSE).
pi_log_exception - When the Topic already exists should the Exception [TOPIC ALREADY EXISTS] be logged? (Default: The Exception [TOPIC ALREADY EXISTS] will be logged)
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20023 - [TOPIC ALREADY EXISTS] The Topic already exists
ORA-20024 - [TOPIC NOT EXISTS] Either the Parent- or the Predecessor-Topic doesn't exist
ORA-20025 - [PREDECESSOR TOPIC HAS WRONG PARENT TOPIC] The given Parent doesn't correspond the Parent of the predecessing Topic


  public  add_topic(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_topic VARCHAR2,
pi_topic_parent VARCHAR2,
pi_log_exception BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE)
Add a new Topic
pi_application - Name of the existing Application
pi_topic - Name of the new Topic
pi_topic_parent - Parent of the Topic (NULL means Top-Topic)
pi_position - Position of the new Topic within the same Level as the given Parent Topic
  • <= 1
    At the Begin of the Log-Topics
  • > 1
    At the given Position
  • NULL
    At the End of the Log-Topics
pi_log_exception - When the Topic already exists should the Exception [TOPIC ALREADY EXISTS] be logged? (Default: The Exception [TOPIC ALREADY EXISTS] will be logged)
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20023 - [TOPIC ALREADY EXISTS] The Topic already exists
ORA-20024 - [TOPIC NOT EXISTS] The Parent-Topic doesn't exist


  public  move_topic(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_topic VARCHAR2,
pi_topic_parent VARCHAR2,
pi_topic_predecessor VARCHAR2,
pi_use_parent_of_pred BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE)
Move an existing Topic to another Position
pi_application - Name of the existing Application
pi_topic - Name of the existing Topic to be moved
pi_topic_parent - Parent of the Topic (NULL means Top-Topic)
pi_topic_predecessor - Predecessor of the new Topic within the same Level as the given Parent Topic
pi_use_parent_of_pred - When the Parent of the Predecessor isn't the same as the given Parent then use the Parent of the Predecessor (TRUE) or raise an Exception (FALSE).
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20024 - [TOPIC NOT EXISTS] Either the Parent- or the Predecessor-Topic or the given Topic doesn't exist
ORA-20025 - [PREDECESSOR TOPIC HAS WRONG PARENT TOPIC] The given Parent doesn't correspond the Parent of the predecessing Topic


  public  move_topic(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_topic VARCHAR2,
pi_topic_parent VARCHAR2,
Move an existing Topic to another Position
pi_application - Name of the existing Application
pi_topic - Name of the existing Topic to be moved
pi_topic_parent - Parent of the Topic (NULL means Top-Topic)
pi_position - new Position of the existing Topic within the same Level as the given Parent Topic
  • <= 1
    At the Begin of the Log-Topics
  • > 1
    At the given Position
  • NULL
    At the End of the Log-Topics
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20024 - [TOPIC NOT EXISTS] Either the Topic or the Parent-Topic doesn't exist
ORA-20026 - [TOPIC WRONG POSITION] Can't detect the correct predecessing Topic by the given Position


  public  remove_topic(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_topic VARCHAR2)
Remove an existing Topic from a Log-Application
pi_application - Name of the existing Application
pi_topic - Name of the Topic to be removed
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20024 - [TOPIC NOT EXISTS] Topic doesn't exist


  public  add_message(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_error_name PKG_LEHS.pst_error_name,
pi_error_code BINARY_INTEGER,
pi_message CLOB,
pi_show_error_stack BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,
pi_nls_language VARCHAR2 DEFAULT PKG_LEHS.pc_default_language,
pi_log_exception BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE)
Add a new Exception Message.

By the Concept of named Exception every Application Error has a Name assigned (instead of a fixed Error-Number between ORA-20999 and ORA-20000).

Every Error Name has an Exception Message assigned to. Also a named Error has an Error-Number (ORA-20999 to ORA-20000) also assigned to this Error-Name.

An Application Exception will no longer be raised by a fixed Error Number instead by this assigned Error Name. The Exception itself will be raised by the Information deposited for this Error Name (Error Code, Exception Message, etc.)

pi_application - Name of the existing Application
pi_error_name - Name of the new Exception
pi_error_code - Error-Code of the Exception (must between -20999 and -20000)
pi_message - Error Message (with Placeholders for dynamic Contents)
pi_show_error_stack - When raising this Exception should the Error-Stack also be raised or not (look at RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR) (Default: TRUE)
pi_nls_language - NLS-Language Code for this Exception Message. When NULL then AMERICAN would be omitted. Default. AMERICAN
pi_log_exception - When the Message already exists should the Exception [EXCEPTION MESSAGE ALREADY EXISTS] be logged? (Default: The Exception [EXCEPTION MESSAGE ALREADY EXISTS] will be logged)
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20027 - [EXCEPTION MESSAGE ALREADY EXISTS] The Exception Message already exists
ORA-20029 - [INVALID ERROR CODE] Invalid Error Code (must between -20999 and -20000)


  public BOOLEAN exists_message(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_error_name PKG_LEHS.pst_error_name,
pi_nls_language VARCHAR2 DEFAULT PKG_LEHS.pc_default_language)
Does there exist an Exception Message to the given Error Name?
pi_application - Name of the existing Application
pi_error_name - Name of the Error to be checked
pi_nls_language - Language of the Exception Message (Default or NULL: AMERICAN)
  • TRUE ... There exists an Exception Message to the given Error Name and Language
  • FALSE ... There doesn't exist an Exception Message to the given Error Name and Language


  public  change_message(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_error_name PKG_LEHS.pst_error_name,
pi_error_code BINARY_INTEGER,
pi_message CLOB,
pi_show_error_stack BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,
pi_nls_language VARCHAR2 DEFAULT PKG_LEHS.pc_default_language)
Changes the Exception Message to an Error Name.

By the Concept of named Exception every Application Error has a Name assigned (instead of a fixed Error-Number between ORA-20999 and ORA-20000).

Every Error Name has an Exception Message assigned to. Also a named Error has an Error-Number (ORA-20999 to ORA-20000) also assigned to this Error-Name.

An Application Exception will no longer be raised by a fixed Error Number instead by this assigned Error Name. The Exception itself will be raised by the Information deposited for this Error Name (Error Code, Exception Message, etc.)

pi_application - Name of the existing Application
pi_error_name - Name of the existing Exception
pi_error_code - Error-Code of the Exception (must between -20999 and -20000)
pi_message - Error Message (with Placeholders for dynamic Contents)
pi_show_error_stack - When raising this Exception should the Error-Stack also be raised or not (look at RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR) (Default: TRUE)
pi_nls_language - NLS-Language Code for this Exception Message. When NULL then AMERICAN would be omitted. Default. AMERICAN
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist
ORA-20028 - [EXCEPTION MESSAGE NOT EXISTS] The Exception Message doesn't exist
ORA-20029 - [INVALID ERROR CODE] Invalid Error Code (must between -20999 and -20000)


  public  remove_message(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_error_name PKG_LEHS.pst_error_name,
pi_nls_language VARCHAR2 DEFAULT PKG_LEHS.pc_default_language)
Removes an Exception Message by an Error Name
pi_application - Name of the existing Application
pi_error_name - Name of the new Exception
pi_nls_language - NLS-Language for this Exception Message.
Note: By omitting this Parameter the Exception Message will be removed to ALL EXISTING Languages to this Error Name
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist


  public  remove_message(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_error_code BINARY_INTEGER,
pi_nls_language VARCHAR2 DEFAULT PKG_LEHS.pc_default_language)
Removes an Exception Message by an Error Code
pi_application - Name of the existing Application
pi_error_code - Code of the Exception
pi_nls_language - NLS-Language for this Exception Message.
Note: By omitting this Parameter the Exception Message will be removed to ALL EXISTING Languages to this Error Code
ORA-20001 - [MISSING PARAMETER] missing mandatory Parameter
ORA-20002 - [APPLICATION NOT EXISTS] Application doesn't exist


  public pt_clob get_metadata(pi_application PKG_LEHS.pst_application_name, 
pi_topics VARCHAR2 DEFAULT pc_false,
pi_exceptions VARCHAR2 DEFAULT pc_false)
Get the Metadata of the given Log-Application.

Metadata means all Data to register this Log-Application within any other Installation of LEHS (i.E. all callings of the LEHS-API)

pi_application - Log-Application to get the Metadata
pi_topics - Should the Topics also be exported (Y/N)
pi_exceptions - Should the Exception Messages also be exported (Y/N)
Metadata of the requested Log-Application


  public VARCHAR2 get_version()
Returns the Version of LEHS
Version of LEHS

LEHS - Log- and Exception Handling System for ORACLE